Club Meetings:
Annual meeting: Shall be held at the first business meeting of the New Year for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors and Officers.
Business meetings: Business meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month and called to order by the President at about 6:00 pm. The running of trains and / or work shall cease at 6:00 pm. At the conclusion of the meeting the layout may be made available for work and/or running trains.
Regular meetings: Shall be held every Thursday of each month to work on and/or operate the Club layout, socialize, and to enjoy the many facets of model railroading. The following rules shall apply to Regular meetings:
At about 6:00 pm on Regular meeting nights the meeting becomes a working session. This means that running trains will cease if members desire to work on their portion of the layout and running trains would interfere with said work.
At the close of a Regular meeting the layout shall be placed in a condition which will allow the normal running of trains unless the layout is shutdown for emergency maintenance.
The running of trains is allowed any other time the building is open.
Special meetings: Shall be held, following timely notification of members, on those occasions deemed necessary by the President, Board of Directors, or any regular members with Club business or concerns to present for action. (This includes Operating Sessions.)