Want to sell or donate model train stuff? Please call Gary at (920) 737-5483
We are a 501 c 3 non-profit organization located in De Pere, Wisconsin
GBAMRC Mission
The Mission of Green Bay Area Model Railroads Club (GBAMRC) is to create and maintain a miniature depiction of railroad equipment and operations for the education and enjoyment of its membership and the public and for the preservation of historical and current railroad contributions to the development of the North East Wisconsin region and its transportation network.
Your donation will help keep our club here at the Kress Family Library where we present railroading as Northeast Wisconsins source of products used daily by the nation's and world's population.
The club is open whenever the library has an event that includes Wisconsin's children such as the De Pere School Systems "Round Robin" of educational activities. In May and June of 2013 and 2014 alone, we had 545 4th graders visit the club.